Friday, December 17, 2010

Annoying If TRUE About Gorillas, Liberals, Chest Hair?

It is annoying If TRUE About Gorillas, Liberals, Chest Hair and Nancy Pelosi.
Pelosi is Secretary ER make that Speaker of the (HO) House until January 5,2011.
She is seen smiling because her botox and facelift WORKED! Otherwise she might look like Michael Jackson! G_d Rest His Soul.

Pelosi, is a liberal and will try to louse the USA up as much as humanly or demonically possible while she has that gavel she should hit herself over the head with.

As for Arm Chair Quarterback ing...we just KNOW the USA does not need "make up law as we go along" like the British. There is a WATERWAY law passed by Parliament in 1983 which has NOT been posted to the internet. Why? Parliament has yet to FINISH the WATERWAYS Law in 17 YEARS and counting!

This is the NITWITTERY that lawyers like to FOIST on freedom-loving Americans.
Be they white hipsters, Asian fashionistas, pachucos, frat-boy industry types, greasers and a number of African-American subcultures: studio gangsters and Melrose Place hipsters or the like.

This makes freedom-loving Americans ponder what size cowboy boot would Andre, the Giant at 540 pounds would KICK Republican politician buttocks with. No, not the filibustering ones who FIGHT for what is RIGHT but John McCain, the Maine former lady Senators, Massachusettes Scott Brown, and a few other EXPLETIVES.

Amazing...while stiffing the taxpayers to fatten up election war chests, the politicians belatedly royal, legal buzzard Senators and Representatives who claw, scratch, beguile, and "Stalin" their way up to running for United States Senator ignomaneously---need a reality check. Especially Republican-In-Name-Only RINO self-styled sold-out compromised no-scruples guys and 90% of gals who favor Democrat giveaways ignoring the US Constitution that they "swore" with mental reservations to uphold. The word "uphold" does not mean "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" OR "I'll hold my nose and vote for YOUR unconstitutional garbage for YOUR constituents who paid Donation$ AKA "bribes" SINCE I know "you will reciprocate by voting for MINE"!

Serious competition for the "Burn-In-Hell Award For 2010" despite crawl-over-broken-glass-determination ideology to do you, the taxpaying sucka wrong...that little mother's mistake who wrote the scrambler code-virus for Wordpad is a "Dead Man Walking". If he ever, admits the deed, "Mayhem, the Insurance Confused Man" or a reasonable facsimile, will not sleep until "Wordpad Code-Scrambler" ,that dirty weasel coward, dies a thousand times! What goes around...comes around...
You do not infuriate, torment, and aggravate dozens of wordpad users without getting YOURS...It even gets into word processor gonna DIE, "Wordpad Code-Scrambler". You may get bleeped over by YOUR Democrats for the next 88 years, in a FEMA Camp for 75 of them...BUT you gonna PAY your debt to internet society. My 24 keystrokes per minute is 9 now but YOU will out your miserably ugly buttocks and you WILL get YOURS expletive times 447! You unclean Ludite!

Perhaps the most eye-opening warning about America’s precarious position is from Tocqueville himself in 1840:

Having thus taken each citizen in turn in its powerful grasp and shaped him to its will, government then extends its embrace to include the whole of society. It covers the whole of social life with a network of petty, complicated rules that are both minute and uniform, through which even men of the greatest originality and the most vigorous temperament cannot force their heads above the crowd. It does not break men’s will, but softens, bends, and guides it; it seldom enjoins, but often inhibits, action; it does not destroy anything, but prevents much from being born; it is not at all tyrannical, but it hinders, restrains, enervates, stifles, and stultifies so much that in the end each nation is no more than a flock of timid and hardworking animals with the government as its shepherd.

Rush Limbaugh
Sean Hannity
Michael Savage
Glenn Beck
Laura Ingraham
Dr. Laura
Dr. Joy Browne
Dave Ramsey
Mark Levin
Michael Medved
Howie Carr
Bob Lonsberry
Chip Franklin
Clark Howard
Curtis Siliwa
Dan Yorke
Darrell Ankarlo
Dennis Miller
Dennis Prager
Dom Giordano
Don Imus
Doug McIntyre
Doug Stephan
Bill Handel
Bill Press
Bob Sheri
Bob & Tom
Neil Rogers
Insight for Living
Jack Rice
Janet Parshall
Jay Severin
Tom Martino
Joe Rose
Ed Schultz
Focus on the Family
Fred Honsberger
G. Gordon Liddy
George Noory
Heidi Harris
Hugh Hewitt
In Touch
Kim Komando
Kirby Wilbur
Lars Larson
Lee Rodgers
Mark Belling
Mark Davis
Stephanie Miller
Steve Malzberg
Steve Sommers
The Herd
The Junkies
Paul Smith
Peter Boyles
Phil Hendrie
Phil Valentine
Quinn & Rose
Rachel Maddow
Randi Rhodes
Rick Amato
Roe Conn
Jeff Bolton
Jerry Doyle
Jesse Lipscomb
Jim Gearhart
Jim Philips
Jim Rome
Jim Villanucci
Joe & Evan
Joe Pagliarulo
Joe Scarborough
Roger Hedgecock
Ronn Owens
Neal Boortz
Chris Plante
The Tech Guy
Thom Hartmann
Tom Leykis
Tom Sullivan
Alan Colmes
Alan Stock
Bev Smith
Bill Bennett
John & Jeff
John & Ken
John Gambling
Jon-David Wells
Kathy & Judy
Mike Gallagher
Mike McConnell
Mike Rosen
Mike Trivisonno
Mitch Albomm
Michael Smerconish
Mike & Mike
Mike Francesa
Rob Black
Roy Masters
Rusty Humphries
The Monsters
But I digress from my title,"Annoying If TRUE About Gorillas, Liberals, Chest Hair"

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